Appliquez la poudre sur la peau comme une pro avec WUNDER2 KABUKI BRUSH – un pinceau super-souple idéal pour appliquer PERFECT SELFIE HD PHOTO FINISHING POWDER en Translucent et Bronzing Veil. Vous adorerez le toucher doux et relaxant du pinceau sur votre peau. En plus, il pourra vous suivre partout - on ne sait jamais quand on a besoin d'une petite retouche de poudre !
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The Good Stuff
How to Use
The Good Stuff

on the go

cruelty free

The softest, quickest way to quickly apply face powders, our Kabuki Brush makes it easy to build your desired effect.
Apply face powder products to the skin with a blended touch using the Wunderbrow Kabuki Brush – a super-soft brush ideal to use with Perfect Selfie Finishing Powder in both Translucent and Bronzing Veil. You’ll love the way the soft, soothing brush feels against your skin. Plus, it couldn’t be easier to carry on-the-go when you need a quick powder top up!
How to Use
Step 1
Swirl your Kabuki Brush into any face powder and gently tap off any excess.
Step 2
Gently buff in circular motions all over the face for an air-brushed result.